Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Cookie Rolling "Melting Moments" in Sydney

Yesterday, I cookie rolled at The Gap, a popular suicide leaping off point along the Sydney bluffs. The spot was recommended to me by a local, and it was definitely sufficiently dramatic to pay respects to Sisyphus! Unfortunately I was so busy trying to spell that I forgot to make any cookies leap to their demise by pitching them over the fence. Next time!!

For Sydney, I rolled yo yos or melting moments, my absolute favorite cookie in the world. I have been waiting 4 years to eat another one since my first trip to Australia in 2003. I literally ate about 100 yo yo cookies during my 6 week stay then. So far I have eaten 7 in my 2 days in Sydney, which puts me on a similar pace. ^_^

As you can see, I cookie rolled immediately after delivering two back-to-back keynotes, so I am still dressed in my heels and suit and lugging my laptop around in a backpack. Heels on slippery rocks in the rain on unstable bluffs, even with a fence, made it feel like quite the adventure!

But -- I need your help! Please check out this final shot of my cookie rolling word. Can you read it? What do you think it says? Melting moments were a very difficult medium for writing, the cookie is incredibly crumbly so I had to try to carve out the letters in the cream in the middle. It was fun and funny, but I don't know if it's legible! Please check it out and comment here or on flickr with your guess of what the word is. Thanks!


  1. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Looks like "own"!

  2. I see "PWN"

    goes to google to wiki "cookie rolling."

  3. OK - Now that I read up on your "Cookie Roll" project - it probably says "Own." I doubt Sisyphus Pwnd! anyone.

    Although that rock pretty much did him.

    The cookie rolling thing reminds me of something my girlfriend and I do that make us happy. We play this PS2 game called We Love Katamari. There's nothing to it really. You roll around this sticky ball that absorbs object according to their size, grows, and then rolls up larger objects. It's beautiful in its simplicity. Plus it has a killer sound track.


  4. OWN, all the way.

    I can see that cookie rolling spot from my office window. How was the conference? How was Sydney second time around?

    - Sean

  5. Anonymous5:48 PM

    You lose once, twice, thrice of the ruin game.

    Sad little sparrow.

    One more time.

  6. Sorry to miss you on your Sydney visit. Would have loved to show you around my home town. Let me know if you're ever craving Melting Moments. They're easy to post. You really shouldn't have to wait another 4 years...


  7. Anonymous2:32 AM

    “Some Thoughts on Your Project”: A profound comment on the human social world! An exercise in semiotics! Tasty and angular!! You are *reappropriating* an ancient myth here. AND – given the tale’s rather particular content – the very human condition itself. Global yet intimately close.

    Also: You yummily *retake* the societal role of “eating cookies” as well! You know: “You’re only supposed to merely eat cookies…nothing more!” Not!

    Your response: “I will take them…And I’ll make an utterly singular remix from otherwise continuous operant and non-interactive modes of being.”

    It resonates *deeply* with a dynamic revealed by Levinas. For him(it could be paraphrased): “Expand your Da-sein(a sphere) to the point…that another can, as fully as possible, enter its space – and sustain their presence.” This captures ethics as well as has ever been seen.

    Put in contemporary “techie terms” one could say(though not to give the impression of any “finality” on the thinking of these matters): “Human world - *re-write*/hack me!(with all due élan..)

    You are a big part of the communal sub-psyche!
