Monday, January 28, 2008

Massive Cookie Rolling Update

October2007 105
Originally uploaded by Avant Game.

If you've been following my cookie rolling project (now almost three years in progress!!), you'll be happy to see I've made a major update to the official cookie rolling text.

(In this photo: Can you guess what word I'm about to install in Mother's Party Animal cookies, made locally here in Ann Arbor?)

I've added nine new cities, on three different continents. These nine words represent the past year of cookie rolling.

I've done 33 words so far, in 10 countries, on 4 continents. I've probably missed about a dozen cities, that I really wish I had made time to cookie roll in -- Helsinki, Oulu, and Rovaniemi all in Finland are chief among the cities I was in but didn't roll. Next month, I'm going to roll in Austin to make up for a missed chance in 2005, and I've got at least three major Asian cities in three different countries on my cookie rolling schedule for this spring and summer.

After three years, I'm currently in the middle of my second sentence. I hope to finish this sentence by the end of 2008.

1 comment:

  1. I think you're great. I love this project. If you ever need some support, feel free to reach out.
