Wednesday, April 20, 2005

the cookie is still rolling

This is my new project. I plan to execute it during my travels, beginning with upcoming installations in San Francisco (fortune cookies), Seattle (To Be Determined), Los Angeles (TBD), Amsterdam (stroopwaffels), Utrecht (TBD), Umea (TBD), Stockholm (TBD), London (TBD), New York City (black and white cookies), Vancouver (TBD) and Philadelphia (tastykakes).


project: the cookie is still rolling
artist: Jane McGonigal

medium: cookies
platform: temporary, site-specific cookie installations
documentation: digital photography, digital videos, flickr, web site
project dates: 04.19.05 – present (and no end in sight)

project description:

the artist will spell out Camus’ existential essay “The Myth of Sisyphus” in cookies, one word at a time. each word will be installed in a public location and constructed from a different kind of cookie, locally-purchased or prepared. each word of the essay, 1406 in total, will appear in a different city. the project will continue indefinitely until the improbable event of its completion.

the temporary cookie installations will be documented through digital photography and video. The photos will be added to the Flickr database and the videos posted to the artist’s website.

project rules:
1. the cookies must be purchased or prepared in the city.
2. the words must be constructed and installed in the exact order they appear in Camus’ essay.
3. the words must be installed in a local language.
4. the artist must eat a cookie at the site.
5. the artist must find a nearby hill or incline and roll a cookie down it.
6. no repeating cities. each word must be installed in a different city.
7. no repeating cookies. each word must be constructed out of a different kind of cookie.


As often as possible, I will bring additional local cookies home and host the cookie is still rolling update parties where you can come to my apartment, eat the cookies, and check out the latest photos and videos.


The Dancing Kids said...

anything princess yum yum can do to help - count her in!

*wanders off to look at cookie cookbooks*

Anonymous said...

C is for cookie!

Anonymous said...

This is most intriguing.

Caleb said...

Are you looking for others to send in pictures of the next words? I'm ready and willing (and hoping you'll say yes) if thats what you want!

Anonymous said...

Woo! Tastykakes! In truth, though, Tastykakes are "kakes" [sic], not cookies - but don't that that stop you from coming to Philly! Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Are you planning to "cookie" Vancouver, British Columbia or Vancouver, WA? I am the editor of a Vancouver, BC magazine and would potentially like to do a review of your cookie exploits. Please contact me at

Anonymous said...

Wow - what an epic waste of time.

Anonymous said...

12:01 Anonymous- You have no soul

I am totally willing to find some way to make beer cookies and do a word in Milwaukee.

Skwarepeg said...

how will you handle the punctuation? will the punctuation marks be considered part of the word that precedes it?

just wondering.

good luck.

it's a long story (for cookie-ing).

aj said...

I, too, would be happy to contribute a cookie word from Southern California. Spelt out, perhaps, in sugar cookies with pink frosting?

Anonymous said...

this isent art!
just the rich in this world borring them self

Anonymous said...

We at ClevelandWeirdness are intrigued by this project. If you come to cleveland we would be happy to bake for you!
mary AT clevelandweirdness DOT com

Anonymous said...

This sounds really amazing, but I wonder how you know there are 1406 words if they're all going to be in different local languages. Wouldn't the word count vary from language to language depending on how often articles are used and such?

Anonymous said...

helloo. this is hilarious and excellent. but Camus' entire essay is MUCH longer than 1406 words. so are you just selecting your favorite section of the essay??


Altaira said...

Hermits would work in Boston...

Anonymous said...


Since I read your blog (and your other pages) a lot I just wanted to say hi and tell you I like it! It gives me a lot of inspiration in my own game design (I'm into reality games here in Sweden).

If you ever visit Göteborg, Sweden I'll be more than happy to show you the best local cookies for your cookie-rolling. Probably "ballerina-cookies", or possibly home-made ginger-bread if it's in the wintertime.

Rathbone said...

You are my new hero. Can't wait to hear you speak at Penguicon BING!

Wodin Mercurial
a.k.a. man of a thousand names

Alice said...

Feel free to come to Detroit sometime and do black and white cookies, or peanut butter cookies, which are always popular here ;)

Anonymous said...

Please, please come to Copenhagen, Denmark, and let me be a part of this :-D

Anonymous said...

Shoot! Just realized you've already been to Copenhagen. Well, come back anyways...

jeux R4 said...

anything for the chocolate chips cookies........Nice post..waiting for more......